Why subscribe?

There are many policy experts about the care crisis — and boy do I appreciate every single one of them. I consider myself a cultural expert on the care crisis, and there are far fewer of us.

I spent nearly five years digging deep into how care was rendered a footnote of the human story — as well as the many thinkers, feelers and dreamers who have tried to give it the major plot point status it deserves. I wove this research together with my personal story as well as the stories of a wide variety of other parents and caregivers, paid and unpaid, in my new book “When You Care: The Unexpected Magic of Caring for Others.” In it, I dig into the cultural roots of the care crisis and show just how powerful care is in the lives of individuals and societies.

In this monthly newsletter, I will continue the project I began in my book, and uncover just how blind we are to care in all of our meaning-making systems. Philosophy, psychology, theology, story-telling, economics, and theories of liberation including my beloved feminism, all have giant care-shaped gaps in them! We will never adequately support parents and caregivers until we change this.

Subscribe if you want to better understand how often we fail to see the power of parenting and caregiving as caregiving people and as a culture, and what happens when we do. There will be interviews with some of the smartest care big thinkers out there, summaries of recent humanities and social science research on care, as well as personal stories in which care is the BIG EVENT. Thanks for reading.

Take care! Give care!


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Subscribe to Made with Care

There are many policy experts on the care crisis -- and I love them all. I'm a cultural expert on the care crisis. Join me in unpacking all the ways our culture devalues parenting and caregiving, and what the world would would like if we cared about care.